Convert 1000 to K format in php

There are times when we need to display our currency in K, M and B format. As our currency becomes to long to manage.

Here is a little function which takes the integer value and returns the short form like 1k, 1M and 1B.

The second parameter is precision. It limits the result to limited decimal points. The default decimal point is two.


  function format_num($num, $precision = 2) {
    if ($num >= 1000 && $num < 1000000) {
       $n_format = number_format($num/1000, $precision).'K';
    } else if ($num >= 1000000 && $num < 1000000000) {
       $n_format = number_format($num/1000000, $precision).'M';
    } else if ($num >= 1000000000) {
       $n_format = number_format($num/1000000000, $precision).'B';
    } else {
       $n_format = $num;
       return $n_format;

// Function Calls

echo format_num(1200,1);               // 1.2K
echo format_num(1230000);            // 1.23M
echo format_num(1234000000,3);   // 1.234B
Convert 1000 to K format in php Convert 1000 to K format in php Reviewed by JS Pixels on February 28, 2012 Rating: 5

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